Principal Investigator
Daniel L. Gonzales, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Vanderbilt Brain Institute
PhD, Applied Physics, Rice University
BS, Physics, Angelo State University
Fun facts:
I’m probably more well-known for BBQ and tweets than science
I once told a friend about the “really smart dude” I talked to at a poster session. Turns out that smart dude was a Nobel laureate
Graduate Students
Grace Adams
PhD Student
Department of Biomedical Engineering
BS, Biomedical Engineering, Bucknell University (2023)
Project: I'm interested in developing brain computer interfaces to study the neural circuits underlying their control and inform the design of neuroprosthetic devices
Fun facts:
My favorite winter activity is nordic skiing
I climbed the tallest mountain in Ireland (and it wasn't even that tall)
Hailey Edelman
PhD Student
Department of Biomedical Engineering
BS Intensive, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Yale University (2024)
Project: I am interested in investigating how neural circuits from different brain regions contribute to the learning process of brain-computer interface controlling cells.
Fun facts:
I almost starred in the 2016 Ghostbusters movie
I had to be rescued by ski patrol while snowboarding in Utah due to an avalanche
Daniel Woods
PhD Student
Department of Biomedical Engineering
BS, Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee Knoxville (2022)
MS, Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee Knoxville (2023)
Project: I’m developing transparent, flexible electrodes for chronic recordings and optogenetic stimulation in non-human primates
Fun facts:
Aspiring stained glass artist
I always enjoy a good run, walk, or skip
Research Technicians
Camila Romero
Research Technician
Department of Biomedical Engineering
BS, Neuroscience, West Virginia University (2023)
Project: I am interested in the plasticity of the brain and the development of neural interfaces to study the neural mechanisms of learning.
Fun facts:
I have a lot of cultural roots! I was born in Chile, my parents are Colombian, and my childhood was spent in Mexico.
I have done neuroscience research and fieldwork on rove beetles
Undergraduate Students
Evan Houser
Undergraduate Researcher
BS, Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2027 (expected)
Project: I am developing a stereotactic system to enhance the neurosurgical implantation of electrodes in the brain.
Fun facts:
In high school, I played basketball with 3 current NBA players
I can drink a water bottle in 4 seconds
Jenna Jang
Undergraduate Researcher
BS, Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University, 2026 (expected)
Project: I am currently researching predictive coding in the context of artificial brain-computer interfaces.
Fun facts:
I get cold really easily and like to keep my room at 78 degrees all year round
I love to drink/eat anything with matcha in it
Micaela Gonzalez Mora
Undergraduate Researcher
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2027 (expected)
Project: I am developing the necessary packaging for our neural interfaces to be chronically implanted and housed for long-term recordings.
Fun facts:
I love the beach even but unfortunately I was born and raised in a landlocked country
I enjoy any outdoor sport, especially hiking and biking
Maxwell Sharp
Undergraduate Researcher
BS, Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2025 (expected)
Project: I'm designing a low-cost beveler device to sharpen the tips of glass micropipettes used for surgical probe insertion.
Fun facts:
I auditioned for Kidz Bop when I was 6
This could be you!
We’re hiring PhD students and postdocs with starts dates in 2024 and beyond. Find more details on the Opportunities page.
Project: I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot.
Fun facts:
I am Groot
2024, Runda Li, Duke University
2024, Thaissa Peixoto, Johns Hopkins Unviversity