HHMI and BWF Fellowships

This is a short post to just say always feel free to reach out about the HHMI Hanna Gray Fellowship and Burroughs Wellcome Fund PDEP fellowship. I’m happy to share my applications upon request, but don’t feel quite comfortable putting them up for all to see.

One thing I will include here is my general list of advice I give on the Hanna Gray application. I try to update this fairly constistently. Think of this as my opinions on the application, as well as answers to some of the most FAQ I get. Several caveats to this doc:

  1. The application process is always changing! Be sure you know the criteria for your cycle.

  2. Advice is just advice. You may not agree with my thoughts, and you may hear contradicting opinions from other fellows or colleagues. One great thing I love about advice: you can take what works for you and ignore what doesn’t.


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